A little Crazy

The Kalico Kitchen is a restaurant across the street.  It's been there for basically as long as the Dunes has been here.  They've had their problems over the years -- but once they went on "Restaurant Impossible" they were headed for disaster.  They went OOB in late 2013.  And since we are across the street (I guess that's why) people are non stop about us buying it.  I had an argument with someone over the summer who wanted to know why I was lying and not admitting that we had bought it - really!  Just for fun we did look at.  Parked all three cars right in front with the realtors (even though it's directly in front of the Dunes).  The phones were ringing before we even got through.  It's fun to mess with the locals every now and then -- like making a comment just loud enough about selling the Dunes.. and waiting to see how long it takes to get headline status that the boys are selling!

Life in a small town.  Mostly Great, but...

The Make a Wish benefit was Saturday and it raised great money.  But there were a few businesses who didn't donate this year because they didn't like someone who was helping get donations.  Isn't that crazy?  Needy children loose because you don't like one of the people who is out picking up donations.  Sometimes it's just craziness!

Just like the local papers. We are a small town.  A tourist town.. but boy do we like to air our dirty laundry in the paper.  And people don't hold back.  They can get really nasty.  The funny thing about most of it, lots of people's bitches are things that no one reading the paper can do anything about.  The paper has turned into a bitch fest.  One paper is now accepting "Paid Advertisements" to make a group of people's issues seem Editorial based.  So don't read the papers!  If you do, pretend they're the comics!

Great things about a small town:

You can forget your wallet and still leave with your groceries, or a restaurant after eating or a gas station... they know you'll be back and pay.

They know you at the post office, so when something comes to you with an incorrect address, you still get your mail (ie:  Mike, Douglas Dunes,  Saugatuck, MI 49453 - no address, The Dunes Resort is in Douglas not Saugauck -- I still got the letter).

The police can pull you over and say, as they are walking up -- and my window is down.. "don't give me that look Mike Jones, I'm just pulling you over to tell you your headlights aren't on" (fact).

People comment on your dentist appointment because they saw your car.

People comment that you haven't been to the gym, because they haven't seen your car.

We live in a small town in the middle of Dutch Christian Reform Conservative West Michigan and everyone who is anybody knows about my relationship(s).

It has its downside, but there sure are a lot of good!


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